Thursday, August 12, 2010

Too little creativity . . .

Well to be perfectly honest I've been really struggling the past few weeks. Despite eating well, resting when appropriate and taking vitamins; my health hasn't been so good, I keep catching colds or bugs and am just so tired all the time.

Unfortunately I'm still finding it difficult to fit in what I want to do, instead, my days seem to be full of what I need to do. I know that life can be like that at times for all of us, however it doesn't make it any easier to accept when it feels like one step forward, one step back.

That quest for the (elusive) balance in my life is once again at the forefront. If just one area of my life becomes 'out of balance' then it impacts every other aspect of my life.

The excessive tiredness and lack of energy means I'm pushing my self all the time and I understand how in one sense that defeats the purpose and compounds the problem! It's just so frustrating 'when the mind is willing, but the body isn't ............'
On the positive side though, I have caught up with all the emails and google reader items (having 3 email accounts - don't ask, long story!) which have meant far too much information to be dealt with usually; and have managed to cull a lot of subscriptions (newsletters, ezines) that just 'weren't doing it for me' any more.

I've also had my blogs set on 'private' recently to enable me to play catch up. Surprisingly one of the things I have missed most though, is the communication on Twitter !!! I have been 'off air' ever since the problems with computer and internet.

So I am starting the countdown to the weekend. By then I hope to have everything up and running again!

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