Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The more I learn, the more there still is too learn..

I have so many 'works in progress' and even paintings or drawings that I think have been resolved are always put away for a period of time in order for me to then take an objective rather than a subjective view of them...

Well I attempt to take an objective view !!

I'm struggling at the moment, firstly health wise there's been a few setbacks and secondly, I am struggling with calling my self an 'artist'..........this is a personal issue...
I love studying &; learning so much,  and I'm so aware of  how much more I need to learn, that I find my self more comfortable with calling myself an 'Art Student' than an 'Artist'....

And this is most valid, however I also think it may be a part of my avoiding taking that next step and in taking 'full responsibility' for my art practise. You see;  if I continue to see myself as a student; then I have my excuses ready for why I haven't completed or started something....

In other words it is 'safer' to remain a student than to label myself something I have such a high regard for....
Ooh believe I may have touched a nerve then....I have a high regard for Artists, and do not put myself into that category... hmm ...interesting!!

Food for thought!!
(Great more thinking to send myself around the twist with!!...does anyone else ever feel this way??)

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