Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Series : Elements of Complexity 3 ...

pen and ink
Well the cropping of this photo (and let's not even talk about the wonderful photography skills with glass reflection!!) sucks big time.
Just for a minute I'm going to digress and mention that many many years ago, (often referred to by me, as 'another life time ago') I learnt, as part of our studies, how to not only use a Pentax SLR camera, which one manually adjusted, but also to learn the dark room processes of processing and printing my own negatives and photos.

Oh yes, I struggled with the technical components yes, (my brain doesn't do maths, sciences, and technology very well at all!) yet I still managed to take great shots.  Fast forward X amount of years and boy am I struggling with understanding this digital camera thing!! 

Okay back to the final images in this series of works.

The concept of weaving and webs is apparent with the use of the square & rectangle format to signify containment of  emotion and energy.

The Collins dictionary defines 'Contained .... as restraining, to hold, to prevent ( ) from operating beyond a certain area...'
The use of words constrained, restrained, and constricted strongly feature in many of my concepts.
They are of course representative of my internal and external belief structure and desire for freedom and liberation, knowing however, that our past, present and future are all entwined and inter-connected.

Wow we're getting into some heavy stuff here!

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