Monday, June 14, 2010

It's time...

Well I certainly have improved my digital camera skills slightly more than a few weeks ago; ( when I spent a whole day just studying the camera and diagrams, trying to work out which button to press!!); however this week I am going to practise by documenting a number of paintings (in various stages of completion) as I've yet to master the 'zoom' button!!

Master the 'zoom' button ?  Jeez I'll just be glad if I can get the painting/photo straight and in focus!!!

Aargh the trials and tribulations faced by the 'technically disadvantaged' person (me!)

So hopefully weather will hold for a couple more days!! (Oh no..... not the flash button otherwise!!)

Also I am anxious to get some more gouache and ink/graphite drawings finished...and busting to get back into the many ideas !!

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